Students at Columbia Academy enjoy a variety of interests in and out of the classroom. For students looking for additional resources and opportunities, several groups and organizations are available.
Lower School (K – 6th grade)
Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts
Private Music Lessons – Violin, Piano and Guitar

Upper School (7th-12th grade)
Robotics Team – Eric Bryant
Spiritual Emphasis Council – Andrew Fulks
Student Government –
Science Club (High School and Middle School) – Barry Farris
Best Buddies – John Kodatt
Pep Club – Laurie Love
National Honor Society
Drama Club – Sarah Tatum
Chorus – Mark-Aaron Hilliard
HOSA – (High School and Middle School) – Andrea Roberson
Student Ambassadors – Cindy Zientak
City of Children Mission Trip – Jon Bennett
Mock Trial – Kari Robinson
Small Group Leader (Jrs/Srs) – Ben Diles
At Columbia Academy, we truly believe that experience is the best teacher. Every year, students have the opportunity to learn more through field trips and travel opportunities. From Paris, France to the James K. Polk home in downtown Columbia, students from Jr. K through the 12th grade take to the road to enhance their academic experience.
During the school year, high school environmental science classes visit Big Bigby Creek and the wastewater treatment plant in Columbia. The locations provide the students hands-on lessons in stream ecology as they catch and identify macro invertebrates, discuss water pollution and perform water quality tests.
Our younger students enjoy places such as: Nashville’s Adventure Science Center, the Nashville Zoo, the Nashville Children’s Theatre, and the Tennessee Performing Arts Center. Every year, the fifth graders make the trek down to Huntsville, AL to explore the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. The eighth graders visits our nation’s capital in Washington D.C and High School students travel farther distances with annual high school trips to New York City, Chicago and bi-annual international trips.
Our elementary age students also have the opportunity to enjoy fun enrichment activities during breaks, including Summer Enrichment camps and activities at our Columbia & Spring Hill campuses. Every summer, students enjoy academic camps, fine arts camps, special interest camps and athletic camps. We also offer full-time care available during the summer in addition to the camps in the Summer Enrichment program. For more information about Summer Enrichment, email Jana Robertson (Columbia) or Amy Pope (Spring Hill).