Columbia Academy Upper School is a great place for young people to grow spiritually, academically, socially and athletically. The faculty is of exceptional quality and cares deeply for the development of the whole student.


† Graduation requirements: Bible I, II, III, IV

The first semester of Bible I is a survey of the united kingdom of Israel and the divided kingdom of Israel and Judah.  The second semester consists of a study from Matthew, Mark, and Luke.  The life of Christ is the focus of this study.
Prerequisites:  None
Credits earned toward graduation:  1 required credit
Suggested Grade Level:  9

Bible II covers the books of Job and Psalms and studies Christian evidences during the first semester.  The second semester covers Romans, I Corinthians, II Corinthians, and Galatians.  An overview of each book is presented with main points and theological truths being highlighted.
Prerequisites:  None
Credits earned toward graduation:  1 required credit
Suggested Grade Level:  10

Bible III covers the writings of Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Isaiah, and Jeremiah during the fall.  Attention is given to each individual author and to a study of each book.  Students gain a general understanding of the content and a greater appreciation for genre found in the scriptures.  A study of marriage and the family is also conducted during the fall.  The spring semester covers these epistles by Paul:  Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I Thessalonians, II Thessalonians, I Timothy, II Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. An extensive search of the author’s background and writings serves as a foundation for the study.  Special attention is given to Bible geography and the location of cities that served as the destination for each epistle.
Prerequisites:  None
Credits earned toward graduation:  1 required credit
Suggested Grade Level:  11

Bible IV concentrates on the life and teachings of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of John.  The second semester consists of a study from the books of Hebrews, James, I Peter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John, Jude, and Revelation.  A Bible research paper is required during the fall.
Prerequisites:  None
Credits earned toward graduation:  1 required credit
Suggested Grade Level:  12

† Graduation requirements: English I, II, III, IV, and Speech.

‡ Advanced track in English is based on a 90+ average in the subject matter the previous year and teacher recommendation.

English I is a combination of a study in grammar, composition, literature, and vocabulary.  It is organized so students study units in each of these areas at different points throughout the various grading periods.  Competence in language usage, writing skills, reading skills, and vocabulary knowledge is stressed.  Supplementary reading is required both during the school year and in the summer prior to ninth grade.  The Advanced English I works on a more intensive level.  We cover more material, write more compositions, and take tests on a higher level than Regular English I students.
Prerequisites: None
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  9

English II is a study of English grammar as well as several genres of literature: short story, poetry, nonfiction novel, and Shakespearean drama.  A study of writing and the five-paragraph essay is included.  A variety of assignments are given to help students improve their knowledge of literature and to further develop writing and communications skills.   Supplementary reading is required both during the school year and in the summer prior to tenth grade.   The Advanced English II class follows the same curriculum but on a more intensive level.  Outside reading and writing requirements are greater and more higher-order thinking is expected.
Prerequisites: Completion of English I
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  10

English III emphasizes a survey of American literature from the first English settlers to contemporary authors.  Students learn to analyze literature, write through various modes, and construct an effective research paper.  Supplementary reading is required both during the school year and in the summer prior to eleventh grade.  The TCAP writing assessment is given during the third quarter of the junior year to measure writing proficiency.  The Advanced English III class is for students who want a more challenging environment.  Extensive reading and writing, more supplemental reading, and creative projects are incorporated into the curriculum
Prerequisites: Completion of English I and English II
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  11

English IV helps students prepare for college level English and literature requirements.  Great English writers are studied, and an appreciation for their writings is stressed.  Grammar and writing skills are polished through weekly essay compositions and an extensive English research paper is due in the spring. Supplementary reading is required both during the school year and in the summer prior to twelfth grade.
Prerequisites: Completion of English I, II, and III
Credit earned: 1 (may take AP English or Dual Enrollment English Composition I & II)
Suggested Grade Level:  12

The AP English Literature and Composition course is designed to engage students in the careful reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature. Through the close reading of selected texts, students can deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure for their readers. As they read, students should consider a work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as smaller-scale elements such as the use of figurative language, imagery, symbolism, and tone. AP testing is required.
Prerequisites: Advanced English III or AP Language with a 93% or above and teacher recommendation
Credit earned:  1 (fills English IV requirement)
Suggested Grade Level:  12

This rigorous college-level course is based on the AP English Language and Composition course description. The reading, vocabulary and writing assignments are frequent at challenging; furthermore, this course requires independent study. We will function as a community of learners and if students are committed to the work, as well as to listening and learning from each other, this class will ultimately become one in which we are all teachers and students. Each member of the class will have a voice and students will learn from each other by sharing their thoughts, ideas and observations with one another. While the predominant objective is to pass the AP English Language and Composition exam with a 3, 4, or 5, students will know that if they are actively engaging themselves in this class and complete all of the work, they will have conquered colossal steps in preparing themselves for college.
Prerequisite: Advanced English II with a 93% or above and teacher recommendation
Credit Earned: 1
Grade Level: 11

ENGL 101 Composition I course introduces students to writing and evaluating argumentative essays; developing awareness of rhetorical techniques used in persuasive writing; and applying argumentative elements and research in assigned papers. Also, a course in high school senior British literature is studied during this semester with an emphasis on the major British writers and major British pieces.
Prerequisite: A cumulative GPA of 3.000 with an ACT composite of 21 OR have a cumulative GPA of 3.500 without an ACT score
Credits earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  12

ENGL 102 Composition I
ENGL 102 Composition II course instructs students in the development of writing skills beyond the levels of proficiency required in ENGL 101, with emphasis on interpretation and evaluation of literature (short fiction, poetry, and drama) and more advanced research methods.
Prerequisite: ENGL 101 Composition I
Credit earned: 1
Suggested Grade Level:  12

Speech is a required one-semester study of basic speech principles, including such topics as the importance of good communication skills, listening, group discussion, and building and organizing speeches.  Students learn to distinguish differences among informative, persuasive, entertaining, and demonstrative speeches.  Debating and parliamentary procedure are also studied extensively.  Students are encouraged to develop ease and required confidence in speaking before audiences.
Prerequisites: None
Credit earned: ½
Suggested Grade Level:  11, 12

† Graduation requirements: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and a fourth higher level math course

‡ Advanced track in math is based on a 90+ average in the subject matter the previous year and teacher recommendation.

Algebra I places emphasis upon basic algebra processes.  Topics for instruction include integers, algebraic operations, linear equations and inequalities, laws of exponents, polynomials, graphing, radicals, and quadratics.
Prerequisites:(1) Algebra II Advanced or Precalculus; (2) have a cumulative GPA of 3.000; (3) have a 3.0 or higher GPA (on a 4.0 scale) in Algebra I and Advanced Algebra II Advanced; and (4) have 21 or higher Math subscore on the ACT.
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  8 or 9 (depending on math placement)
Required Materials:  Calculator (TI-83 allowed)

Algebra I CD is for the students who successfully completed Algebra I AB (the first half of the Algebra I curriculum) in the eighth grade. After successfully completing Algebra I CD in the ninth grade, high school credit will be awarded for Algebra I. Topics covered are solving systems of linear equations, solving systems of linear inequalities, laws of exponents, solving and graphing quadratic equations, polynomials, rational fractions, radicals, and some geometry.
Prerequisites:  Algebra I AB (successfully completed in 8th grade)
Suggested Grade Level: 9
Credit earned:  1
Required materials:  Calculator

Geometry is a required two-semester high school mathematics course.  The course is a study of deductive and inductive reasoning, properties of two and three dimensional figures; congruence, similarity and symmetry of geometric figures; translations; and constructions.
Prerequisites:  Algebra I (grade of 90 and teacher recommendation)
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  9-11 (depending on math placement)
Required Materials:  Calculator (TI-30XII or TI-84 recommended)

Algebra II is a second year algebra course which builds upon abilities learned in Algebra I.  It is a required course lasting two semesters.  The topics covered in Algebra II include: equations, inequalities, functions, systems of equations, matrices and determinations, quadratic functions, polynomials, radicals, exponential and logarithmic functions, rational equations, quadratic relations, and conic sections.
Prerequisites:  Algebra I
Credits earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  10, 11
Required Materials:  Calculator (TI-83 recommended)

Pre-calculus is an advanced math course recommended only for the serious math student. The students cover the following:  functions and their graphs, polynomial functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, analytic trigonometry, linear systems and matrices, sequences, series and probability, analytic geometry, and limits.
Prerequisites:  Algebra II
Credits earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level: 11, 12
Required Materials:  TI-83 calculator (recommended)

In this course, it is expected that students will be able to identify and justify mathematical relationships, formally and informally. Topics in this course build upon those examined in both Geometry and Algebra I. Topics include, but are not limited to Algebraic Fractions, Parabolas, Rational and Irrational Numbers, Exponential Functions, Logarithmic Functions, Complex Number Systems, Circles, Trigonometry, Sequence and Series, and Probability and Statistics. Students are expected to formulate, conjecture, and provide valid arguments in solving numerical and algebraic problems. This course is considered an upper level math course. The material presented in this course is difficult and requires a high level of dedication on the student’s part.
Prerequisites:  Completed Algebra II
Credits Earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  11-12

Calculus is an elective math course designed for the serious math student. The course is a study of limits, derivatives, and integrals of algebraic and trigonometric functions.  It also includes a study of applications of the definite integral and techniques of integration.
Prerequisites:  Pre-calculus
Credits earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  12
Required Materials:  TI-83 calculator (recommended)

AP Statistics introduces students to the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. The four themes in the AP Statistics course are exploring data, sampling and experimentation, anticipating patterns, and statistical inference.
College Equivalent:This course is equivalent to A college level statistics course that is non calculus based.  It is appropriate for anyone going into a major where reading, understanding, and contributing to research is expected and necessary.  It is, along with Calculus, usually considered the upper limit of mathematics for what most majors need.
Who/When:  If the student is not aiming to take AP calculus, this course can be done senior year to receive college credit in a course that a lot of majors accept/require.  If AP calculus is desired, then this course should be taken concurrently with Precalculus, or concurrently with AP Calculus if senior year would be more free. It is appropriate for anyone going into a major where reading, understanding, and contributing to research is expected and necessary.
Detailed Standards:  The course can be broken into four subsections.
Exploring data: Describing patterns and departure from patterns.
This represents 20%-30% of standards and the exam.  It contains such things as constructing various representations of data, i.e. histogram, interpreting the data, and describing the data through measures of central tendency and variance.
2)  Sampling and Experimentation:  Planning and Conducting a Study.  (10%-15%)
This is all about learning how to plan and implement an appropriate study, including how to explain/predict bias, construct a truly random sample, and how to criticize others studies.
3)  Anticipating Patterns:  Exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation.   (20%-30%)
This includes most of the basic probability distributions, with a main focus on the normal distribution. We also discuss how to use computer to simulate a random sample.
4) Statistical Inference:  Estimating population parameters and testing hypothesis. (30%-40%)
Here we learn how to take the data we have gathered and determine if relationships exist and how significant they actually are.  Confidence intervals and significance tests are major topics.
Prerequisite:Algebra 2 with an average grade A,B, or C

Senior math is a math course designed as a review of high school algebra.  It helps the students prepare for college algebra.  Also, additional practice and review will be given in preparation for the ACT and SAT.
Prerequisites:  Algebra II
Credits earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  12
Required Materials:  Calculator (TI-83 recommended)

College Algebra is a study of functions and graphs, polynomial functions, rational and root functions, and exponential and logarithmic functions. This course may also include systems of equations and inequalities, sequences, series, and probability.
Prerequisites: Required proficiency score on the math portion of the ACT
Credit earned:  1
Required Materials: Textbook: College Algebra, 6th edition by Stewart, Redlin, and Watson ISBN: 9781111990169
A graphing calculator (TI-83 or TI-84 PLUS is recommended)

† Graduation requirements: Biology I, Chemistry or Physics, and one additional lab science.

‡ Advanced track in science is based on a 90+ average in the subject matter the previous year and teacher recommendation.

Biology is a course which provides lecture and lab activities in the study of living organisms.  The student studies basic life process at the molecular, cellular, systemic, organismal, and ecological levels of organization within the biosphere.  Students will complete dissection activities as part of this course.
Prerequisites: None
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  9, 10

Environmental Science enables students to develop an understanding of the natural environment and environmental problems the world faces. Students will investigate ecological principles, human population dynamics, natural resources, energy sources and their use, human interaction with the environment, and personal and civic responsibility.
Prerequisite: None
Credit earned: 1
Suggested Grade Level: 10-12

Anatomy and Physiology studies the structures and functions of the body at the molecular/biochemical, cellular, tissue, organ, systemic, and organism levels.  Students explore the body through laboratory investigations, models, diagrams, and/or comparative studies of the anatomy of other organisms.
Prerequisites: None
Credit earned: 1
Suggested Grade Level:  12

Physics introduces students to mechanics (Newton’s laws of motion), thermodynamics, waves and sound, light and optics, electricity and magnetism, and atomic and nuclear physics.  Activities/labs are integrated into the lessons.
Prerequisites:  Algebra II and Geometry
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level: 11, 12
Required Materials:  TI-83 calculator

Chemistry is a study of atomic structure and how atoms interact to form compounds.  Chemical and physical properties of matter based on the underlying features of elements are investigated.  Chemical nomenclature is discussed, and students are expected to solve problems based on balanced equations.  Behavior of gases and energy considerations accompanying chemical reactions are discussed.  Students receive an introduction to acids and bases as well as to the nature of solutions.  Lab activities are integrated into the course, supporting the concepts studied in the lectures.
Prerequisites: Algebra I and Geometry
Co-requisite: Algebra II
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level: 10-12
Required Materials:  TI-83 calculator

Chemistry II is a study of atomic electronic structure and nuclear changes.  Focus is on solution chemistry; chemical equilibrium, (including LeChatlier’s Principle).  A study of acid-base interactions includes pH determination, neutralization, and titrations.  Ionic and covalent bonding and molecular geometry are discussed.  Students study states of matter.  Students are introduced to chemical thermodynamics and to organic chemistry topics that include hybridization and nomenclature.  Electrochemistry and redox reactions are also introduced.  Lab activities are integrated into the course to support concepts studies in the lecture.
Prerequisites: Chemistry I
Corequisite: Upper level math
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level: 11, 12
Required Materials:  TI-83 calculator

During this course, students will explore healthcare beginning with the history of medicine, safety practices used by healthcare professionals, communication, ethics, and will develop leadership skills as an active member of HOSA- future health professionals. Students will also begin building their foundation in medical terminology and basic anatomy. Students will be introduced to global health and epidemiology as well as gain an understanding of the community health options available to differing demographics. Potential careers will be explored as well as opportunity to learn diagnostic skills to be used as a future health professional.  Common signs and symptoms of injury/illness will be presented as case studies throughout the year. Evaluation of injury/illness and basic diagnostic skills will be assessed in lab format. (2 semesters)
Note: Students must be an active member of Columbia Academy’s HOSA chapter for the year to be enrolled in this course.

† Graduation requirements: World History or World Geography, US History or AP US History, American Government, Economics and Personal Finance

In Psychology class students study the development of the individual and the personality. Students will understand how culture, economics, environment, history, government, and individual group interactions contribute to the development of the personality of an individual.
Prerequisites: None
Credit earned:  1/2
Suggested grade level:  11, 12

World History is a two-semester survey of western civilization from the beginnings of civilization in the ancient world to the current issues of the twentieth century. Within this history course, students will examine the cultural developments, political and economic systems, and social structures of civilizations. Emphasis is placed upon gaining an appreciation for the European cultures, which influenced our American culture.
Prerequisites:  None
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level: 9, 10

This required one-semester course is designed to acquaint students with the origins, concepts, organizations, and policies of the U.S. government.  The primary content of study is the federal system and its underlying principles as they relate to national, state, and local levels.  The course emphasizes the fundamental freedoms found in our Constitution, examines the three branches of our national government, and investigates the structure and responsibilities of each branch.
Prerequisites:  None
Credit earned:  1/2
Suggested Grade Level:  12

This course is a rigorous, college level U.S. History class designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester introductory college history course. In AP U.S. history students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes in nine historical periods from 1491 to the present.  Students develop historical thinking skills, such as, analyzing primary and secondary sources, developing historical arguments, making historical comparisons, and utilizing reasoning in historical context. Students should be able to read a college-level textbook and will write extensively to perfect their essay writing and critical thinking skills.  At the end of the school year the students are required to take the A.P. test.  A high score can result in the student receiving college credit for a semester of U.S. History.  This course is strenuous and requires much reading and preparation.
Prerequisites:  World History or World Geography
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level: 11

In world geography, students study people, places, and environments. This covers local, regional, national, and international levels from the spatial and ecological perspectives of geography.
Prerequisites:  None
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  9, 10

Economics is a one-semester, required course that introduces basic principles of economics.  Students are introduced to issues dealing with entrepreneurship, banking, inflation, unemployment, the federal-reserve system, gross national product, and taxes.  A variety of activities are assigned so students can apply economic principles to their everyday lives.
Prerequisites:  None
Credit earned:  1/2
Suggested Grade Level:  11, 12

United States History covers the period of reconstruction through the present.  While exploring the events of history, students study culture, economics, geography, governance and civics, and groups and interactions.  Students utilize different methods that historians use to interpret the past, including points of view and historical context.
Prerequisites:  None
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  11  

Personal Finance is a course designed to inform students how individual choices directly influence occupational goals and future earnings potential. Real world topics covered will include income, money management, spending and credit, as well as saving and investing.
Prerequisites:  None
Credit earned:  1/2
Suggested grade level:  12

AP United States Government and Politics class is a college-level introduction to key political concepts, ideas, institutions, policies, interactions, roles and behaviors that characterize the constitutional system and political culture of the United States.  Students will read and analyze US foundational documents, Supreme Court decisions, and other texts and visuals to gain an understanding of the relationships and interactions between political institutions and behavior.  They will read and interpret data, develop evidence based arguments, and engage in an applied civics or politics research based project.

Students will be required to take the AP Exam offered at the end of the course.  College credit is earned with a required passing score  Requirements and policies are mandated by the College Board. (NOTE-  A student should contact the college or university to verify acceptance scores.). This will be a demanding class and will be taught on the college level.  Students must be willing to meet these expectations.
Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation
Credits earned: ½ credit
Suggest grade level: 12

  • Band (Concert & Marching) – 5th – 12th grade
  • Fall theatrical production – Upper School students
  • Spring musical theatrical production – Upper School students (some musicals also cast Lower School age children)
  • High School Chorus
  • Middle School Chorus
  • Elementary Chorus
  • Drama Dawgs Theatre Club – Upper School (7-12)
  • Private music lessons – Guitar, Piano, Drums, Violin (as available K-12)
  • Fine Arts Festival

Graduation requirements: One hour of credit

Chorus is a two-semester high school course in which students learn basic music skills, proper posture for singing, proper tone production, melody, and harmony.  The students prepare and perform choral pieces, popular music, and chapel songs.
Prerequisites:  None
Credit Earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  9-12

This course is designed for anyone who enjoys singing and performing.  Students will learn musical selections from a variety of genres chosen from the following:  patriotic, art songs, pop, and chapel songs.  Students are required to perform at least twice during this course.  No previous choral experience is required.
Prerequisites:  None
Suggested Grade Level:  7-8

This year-long, foundational class, designed for students with little or no theatre experience, promotes enjoyment and appreciation for all aspects of theatre. Classwork focuses on the exploration of theatre literature, performance, historical and cultural connections, and technical requirements. Improvisation, creative dramatics, and beginning scene work are used to introduce students to acting and character development. Incorporation of other art forms in theatre also helps students gain appreciation for other art forms, such as music and visual art. This class provides opportunities for students to develop skills in critical listening and thinking, as well as stage presence, ensemble work, and aesthetic awareness culminating in periodic classroom and/or public performances.
Prerequisites:  None
Credit Earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  9-12

The Columbia Academy band program provides the opportunity for students to develop the technical performance skills, knowledge, and understanding of music necessary to make music a part of their lives. Students will develop critical thinking skills at every level of band education, which will enable them to appreciate music on an independent level throughout life. The critical thinking developed through band training will enhance the development of thinking skills also needed in other academic areas. The band program assists students in developing knowledge of our musical heritage, which is necessary to become a discerning listener and/or performer. Students learn to make knowledgeable and discriminating judgments about the music that they hear.

Training received in the Columbia Academy band program will enable the students to feel confident in their abilities to be a part of the community as amateur performers. They will be prepared, should they choose music as a career, to enter a professional training program in a college or conservatory. Aesthetic education gained throughout all levels of participation in the program will enhance the individual‘s appreciation of the arts for life.

This is a beginner level band which includes the basic elements of music playing skills, and an introduction to band literature. Most beginning band students are learning to play their first musical instrument. Beginning band is considered an exploratory course.  Students will participate in one concert at the end of the year.

Students in sixth grade will review and build on the skills they started developing in fifth grade.  They will expand the range of notes and rhythms they are able to play and begin to work on more expressive elements.  Students will perform at Grandparents’ Day and a few concerts through the year.

This band is designed to offer students intermediate level instruction in band performance skills in preparation for concerts with more emphasis on music theory, interpretation, and improved technical proficiency.  Students will perform at several concerts throughout the year.

This upper-intermediate level band class emphasizes the development of full-band performance skills in preparation for concerts and competitions. The elements of more complex music theory and interpretation are addressed and a higher level of technical playing proficiency is developed.  Students will perform at several concerts throughout the year. In the fall, Eighth Grade students also have the opportunity to participate in the Marching Band, which performs at varsity football games and marching competitions.

HIGH SCHOOL BAND (9th-12th grades)
Students will study a more challenging repertoire, while also developing teamwork, self-discipline, and higher level thinking skills necessary to express themselves through music.  While technical skills will continue to be developed and reviewed, the primary focus of the course will be on preparing music for performance. Each piece of repertoire will also be used as a vehicle to teach elements of music history and theory and to make interdisciplinary connections.  Students will perform at several concerts throughout the year. In the fall, High School students also have the opportunity to participate in the Marching Band, which performs at varsity football games and marching competitions.


Art I is designed to teach, guide, and promote student artistic talents through drawing, sketching, painting, and sculpting.  Each semester art projects are displayed in the art room for others to see. Selections are sent to Columbia State for county competition.
Prerequisites:  None
Credits Earned for Graduation:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  9-12



This course will introduce students to the fundamental techniques of playing the guitar.  It will be open to both middle and high school students (though I’m okay with just limiting it to one or the other if need be).  Students with no guitar experience will be able to start from the beginning, and students who have some experience on guitar will be able to further refine their techniques and learn some new skills as well.  We will work on skills including reading traditional notation, chord symbols, and tablature; strumming chords; playing melodies; and basic fingerpicking.  We will also discuss and perform many styles of music and learn about great guitarists representing those many styles.

In this General Photography course students will get an overview of the technique and art of photography. Emphasis will be placed on understanding basic camera function and applying that to different types of photography (Photojournalism, Fine Art, and Portrait). The students will work throughout the year toward a final portfolio of their best work. They also use their photos from school events and school sports for the school yearbook. A few cameras are available from the teacher, but it is advised that the students have access to a camera with a manual setting.
Prerequisites: None
Credits Earned for Graduation: 1 Fine Art credit
Suggested Grade Level: 9-12

Yearbook is a hands-on, multi-media course in which students are guided in the production of the school’s yearbook, The Recall.  Skills in photography, design, and copy writing are taught, eventually allowing students to work independently under the guidance of the instructor.
Prerequisites:  Permission of yearbook sponsor
Credit Earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  10- 12

This course teaches the students to use interactive multimedia tools to develop electronic presentations.  Creative design, persuasive communications, and language art skills are applied.  Copyright laws and ethical practices are taught and reinforced in the creation of presentations.
Prerequisites:  Keyboarding  (Must have teacher approval)
Recommended Credit: 1
Grades: 9- 12

Computer Science Principles introduces students to the foundational concepts of computer science and challenges them to explore how computing and technology can impact the world. More than a traditional introduction to programming, it is a rigorous, engaging, and approachable course that explores many of the foundational ideas of computing so all students understand how these concepts are transforming the world we live in.
Prerequisites: Algebra I and teacher recommendation
Credit earned: 1
Suggested grade level: 10, 11, and 12


† Graduation requirements: Physical Education and Health


Physical education students continue with activities that build strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness.  Unit studies are also completed over various sports’ histories and rules.  This course is designed to encourage students to continue in lifetime sports and fitness activities after the ninth grade and throughout life.

Health is a study of proper health habits and wellness attitudes that will benefit students for a lifetime.  Topics introduced and discussed include:  nutrition, tobacco, alcohol, physical fitness, and stress management.  Class lecture, group discussion, and videos are used to introduce facts concerning benefits and dangers related to each topic in an effort to help students develop a positive attitude and commitment toward maintaining good health.
Prerequisites: None
Credit earned:  1 (1/2 PE, 1/2 Health)
Suggested Grade Level:  9, 10

Unified P.E. is an extension of Unified Special Olympics, which allows mainstream students to team up with special needs students.  Columbia Academy students participate in physical education activities with students who have disabilities.  The course is a joint course between Columbia Academy and King’s Daughters School.  CA students travel to King’s Daughters School for the class on a CA bus.
Credit earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  10-12

Driver education is a one-week class designed to develop safety-conscious drivers.  This course increases the students’ knowledge of the driving environment and enables them to become safe and wise drivers.  Students are required to complete classroom requirements and 12 hours of in car driving and instruction.  Students must have obtained a learners’ permit to complete the driving portion of the course.  This is offered only in the summer.  A fee is charged for the course.
Prerequisites:  Learner’s permit or driver’s license.

† Graduation requirements: Spanish I and Spanish II*

Spanish I is a beginning level class that focuses on interpersonal communication.  It enables students to interact verbally with each other.  Students will engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions using basic grammar, idiom expressions, and cultural differences in traditional and non-traditional classroom settings.
Prerequisites:  Completed Algebra I
Credits earned: 1
Suggested Grade Level:  9, 10

Spanish II focuses on a deeper level of interpersonal communication skills enabling students to interact with one another in a more personal way.  The language engages students in conversations that are more in depth in size and scope of the language.  The classroom and non-classroom settings will provide opportunities for deeper expressions and discussion of grammar and cultural situations.
Prerequisites:  Spanish I
Credits earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  10, 11

In Spanish III, students will deepen their focus on key skills in foreign language. Continuing the pattern and building on what students encountered in the first two years, each week consists of a new vocabulary theme and grammar concept, numerous interactive games reinforcing vocabulary and grammar, reading and listening comprehension activities, speaking and writing activities.
Prerequisites:  Spanish II
Credits earned:  1
Suggested Grade Level:  11, 12

*Qualified students may apply to take online and/or remote learning coursework through approved, accredited schools for supplementary language electives or to replace Spanish coursework at CA for foreign language credit(s). On request and available through administrative approval only.


This course is one semester of Tennessee history and one semester of world geography.  Tennessee history is a study of land regions, cities, and landmarks as well as the history that shaped Tennessee.  The one semester of world geography covers geographical and cultural studies of several nations.

Eighth grade American history is a two-semester history course that surveys American history from the times of the Native Americans to the 1980’s. Emphasis is placed on understanding the people and events that have helped shape our culture, politics, and laws.

Seventh grade English is a two-semester course that offers an extensive study of the English language, including the parts of speech, mechanics, and usage. A variety of activities such as creative writing, journal entries, and grammar activities are assigned so students can improve their mastery of the English language. Students complete a research paper of three to four pages.

Seventh grade literature is a reading skills program designed to help students with comprehension. It also teaches an appreciation of good literature. This course is organized into units of short stories, myths, legends, poetry, and drama. Spelling is also taught during this period on a weekly basis. There is a summer reading requirement prior to the opening of the school year. Outside reading is a requirement during the school year.

Eighth grade English is a year-long introductory course into the basics of the English language. This course covers the eight parts of speech, parts of the sentence, phrases, clauses, word usage, mechanics, and punctuation. The use of these concepts in the written word is also explored and practiced. Methods used to teach this course are class lecture, practice exercises from the text, and enrichment exercises provided by the teacher. Students will be guided through the process of completing a short research paper.

Eighth grade literature is a two-semester reading skills program that uses a variety of literature activities. It is organized into eight themes, and the material is arranged so that students build a step-by-step understanding of literary works. Students read several short story selections with an emphasis on plot and character. Several of the reading selections called “Faces of Dignity” are integrated with the eighth grade American history class. During the second semester, the students study poetry, plays, and novels. Vocabulary studies are completed each week, and supplementary reading is required both during the school year and in the summer prior to eighth grade.


Pre-algebra is a junior high course designed to prepare the student for Algebra I.  The topics covered in pre-algebra are equations, problem-solving, number theory, fractions, decimals, whole numbers, probability, percent, the coordinate plane, right triangle, polynomials, and plane geometry.
Required materials: Calculator

This is a period that alternates days with the physical education class.  Students will receive additional instruction and help with the pre-algebra math curriculum.



Algebra I AB is a course designed to teach the first half of the Algebra I curriculum. Students will then complete the remainder of the Algebra I curriculum in Algebra I CD the ninth grade year. After successfully completing Algebra I CD in the ninth grade, high school credit will be awarded for Algebra I.
Required materials: Calculator

Algebra I places emphasis upon basic algebra processes. Topics for instruction include integers, algebraic operations, linear equations, word problems, polynomials, graphing, radicals, and quadratics. The entire Algebra I curriculum is covered in this class. Students will receive a high school math credit and the grade will count in the high school GPA. Students need to have a 90 or above in Algebra IAB and teacher recommendation in order to take this course.
Required Materials: Calculator (TI-83 recommended).

This class uses the Tennessee state standards as a foundation for the seventh grade in areas of earth, life and physcial science. Some animal dissection may be conducted.

The 8th grade science curriculum provides extensive opportunities to practice and master science skills introduced in the 7th grade course. The emphasis will be on Physical Science as preparation for 9th grade science. The standards include: safety, measurement, scientific method, the structure of matter, the periodic table, reactions, the chemistry of living systems, forces, motions, Earth in the solar system, and density and buoyancy.

Seventh grade Bible is a daily, two-semester class which covers the books of Genesis through Deuteronomy in the fall semester and John in the spring semester.  Emphasis is placed on how God worked in the lives of people in the Old Testament and on Jesus’ teachings in the book of John. Students are always encouraged to apply the Biblical principles learned from their class to life in today’s world.

8TH GRADE (Girls)
Eighth grade Bible covers the book of Acts in the fall and the books of Joshua through Ruth in the spring semester. The first semester includes an extensive study of Acts. A brief study of the author and text background precedes a verse by verse treatment of the book. The student will gain a general understanding of the content and its relevance to other Bible books. Emphasis in the spring is placed upon background facts, a chapter by chapter study, and a thorough treatment of Bible geography as it pertains to each of the Old Testament books studied.

8th GRADE (Boys)
Eighth grade Bible covers Acts during the fall semester and Joshua, Judges and Ruth in the spring semester. The fall semester includes an extensive study of Acts, a brief study of the author and text background preceded by a verse to verse study of the book. Emphasis in the spring is placed upon background facts, a chapter by chapter study, and a thorough treatment of geography as it pertains Joshua, Judges and Ruth. The student will gain a general understanding of the content of each book and its relevance to daily living and purpose.

Middle School physical education is required of 7th and 8th grade students not involved in band. During this period, students are involved in activities that build strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness. The class is designed to help students develop a positive self-image and attitude toward physical education and wellness. Classes are separated by gender.