REACH is a supplementary academic program offered to Upper School students, who have been evaluated and meet the qualifications as academically advanced or gifted. The program consists of periodic events, trips, and opportunities designed to enrich and support the regular school curriculum. An essential component of each activity is a culminating paper and brief student presentation before a panel (paper and presentation may be a collaborative effort, but by groups of no more than three (3) students.) The program is intended to instill a college level mindset in students while also exposing them to challenging and thought-provoking opportunities they may not have within the regular curriculum.

REACH is for students in grades 7 – 12 who meet the qualifying criteria:

  • Have a cumulative GPA (grade point average) of 3.5 or higher
  • Score an overall score of 26 or higher on the annual ACT
  • Score an overall score of 24 or higher on the PreACT
  • Score no less than a 60 in any given category and at least an 84 or higher on one category on the ERB (If a student has scored below 60 in an area, admission will be probationary until the next year’s testing results.)

Students in grades 7 – 12 may qualify for REACH at any time. Students enrolled in REACH must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA (grade point average) at the conclusion of each semester grade-reporting period. Students who fail to maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each semester grade reporting period will no longer be eligible for the program. Students who lose eligibility in the program may not re-apply for REACH for a full calendar year.

REACH students who participate in and complete the requirements for at least eight (8) activities will receive a special cord and recognition at their high school graduation**, as well as a special Advanced (REACH program) designation on their diploma.

All expenses for each REACH activity will be incurred by the parent/student.
*The OLSAT test administration fee will also be incurred by the parent/student.

CLICK HERE to complete and submit the REACH application, which should be submitted to Haley Schmidt. After completing the application, parents/guardians will be contacted to schedule OLSAT testing. Students will be evaluated through the online version of the OLSAT (Otis-Lenning School Ability Test) for a fee of $10 per test administration. Columbia Academy personnel will calculate the student GPA (grade point average). PLEASE NOTE: All 7th grade students will automatically be tested using the OLSAT for baseline data at the beginning of the school year at no additional charge.

For questions about REACH, please contact Haley Schmidt at



STEPS is a gifted abilities program for Columbia Campus lower school students in grades 3-6 who meet the criteria. The goal of the program is to challenge gifted students to help them increase leadership abilities through critical thinking assignments in higher level problem-solving tasks. The STEPS class meets during social studies class time. In addition to classroom time, at least 2 field trips are included each year These trips will correlate with the curriculum to enrich their study.

For questions about STEPS, please contact Kelli Bolton at


The BIG News about Ethos Learning is here!

It is with great excitement to announce that Columbia Academy will be partnering with Ethos, a virtual school provided by Greater Atlanta Christian, to provide more Advanced Placement (AP) and Dual Credit (DC) course offerings for our students. Currently, we offer nine DC and AP course options for students; however, that number will be growing to 30 through Ethos School – the largest number of college credit options offered by ANY SCHOOL in MAURY COUNTY! Ethos will be offered starting this fall for students in grades 10-12.

Ethos offers rigorous high school level course offerings currently centered around Advanced Placement and world languages. 100% of Ethos faculty possess or are currently pursuing a graduate degree, with 50% of those holding or currently pursuing Doctorate degrees. In addition, Ethos teachers currently maintain an 85% AP test pass rate compared to 60% nationally.

Ethos faculty teach from a Christian perspective and offer students a safe, faith-filled environment. The Ethos program allows for flexibility in the completion of coursework, thus accommodating students to study and learn at a time that is most convenient for them.  Ultimately, Ethos exists to transform the traditional classroom experience, and increase students’ college admission profile and their college performance.

This opportunity is just one of many ways that Columbia Academy remains committed to academic achievement and excellence. We look forward to providing even more educational opportunities for our students in the future.

For more information, please see the provided links below. We look forward to our students taking advantage of this great opportunity!

CLICK HERE for Course Offerings.

CLICK HERE for Frequently Asked Questions.

For questions, feel free to contact Clint Pulse, or Collette, Estep in our Guidance Office.


In an effort to bridge the teaching and learning gap for students who have difficulty meeting the challenges of a college-prep curriculum, Columbia Academy has implemented the Harmony program for qualified students in grades 3-12 at the Columbia campus. The name “Harmony” comes from I Peter 3:8, “Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.”

The program admits a limited number of students each year. Space in the program is not guaranteed and admission is administered on a case-by-case basis. With elementary and special education certifications and more than 20 years experience, Melissa Bryant leads the program as Director and works with Upper School students in grades 7-12. She is assisted by Carrie Beasley, who has ten years experience and works with students in the Lower School.

The program assigns students with mild learning disabilities to the Harmony classroom as needed. Harmony assignments could be for as little as one subject per day or for several subjects such as language arts, math and a study skills class. As an advocate between the student and teachers, our Harmony teachers can work with the classroom teachers to make modifications to the students’ assignments for subjects like science, history, Bible, and P.E.

Students admitted into the Harmony program will be qualified through testing and medical records. The program cannot accept students with behavior disorders. For more information about the program including fee structure, interested families should contact Director Kelli Bolton at


Columbia Academy’s Digital Learning Environment is designed to equip our students with cutting-edge technology, training, and engaging tools to help them prepare and train for exemplary lives of Christian service and leadership in a world that is becoming increasingly dependent upon technology.

In 2010, Columbia Academy became the first school in the state of Tennessee to implement a 1:1 iPad program. We provide students with many ways to access online information, including computer labs, library computer access, and the school’s 1:1 program (in grades 1-12) providing a plethora of opportunities for CA students to access online resources.

Please take the time to review our Responsible Use Policy.

Beginning in the fall of 2019, Columbia Academy began a new initiative. Chromebooks took the place of our iPad initiative in both the Upper School and Lower Schools in grades 2-12. Each student is issued a school-owned Chromebook and access to all resources necessary to ensure their academic success.

In the Upper School, in grades 7-12, each student is issued a school-owned Chromebook, which they are expected to have fully-charged and ready to use each morning. Our teachers fully integrate Chromebooks into their curriculum and classroom activities. All textbooks in grades 7-12 are digital and are accessible on the Chromebooks, as well as being available online from anywhere and on any device. Additionally, Upper School students have access to our state-of-the-art iMac lab in the Science Building with 25 of the newest model iMacs available.

In the Lower Schools, in grades 2-6, each student is issued a school-owned Chromebook. These Chromebooks are left in the students’ homeroom class at the end of the day and charged in a charging station overnight. Our Lower School teachers are excited about the use of technology in the classroom and are very well-versed at integrating STEM activities daily in the classroom.

In preschool, JrK and K classrooms have centers of 8 iPads in each classroom, and in the 1st grade, all students are issued a school-owned iPad. As with the Chromebooks in grades 2-6, these are left in the students’ homeroom at the end of each day, where they are charged overnight in a charging station.

There are three library/media center locations serving Jr. Kindergarten through 12th grade at CA. Librarian Brandy Love oversees all three centers with the assistance of Maliaka Ballard at the Upper School. In the new world of libraries, CA offers the conventional library enhanced with new technology. Each library location includes hardcover books, e-books and access to iPads or Google Chromebooks.

The Lonnie Lee Safely Memorial Library is located in Vest Hall and serves grades Jr. K-6 grades. Classes are available for Jr. Kindergarten – 6th grades. Jr. Kindergarten and Kindergarten meet once a week for 35 minutes. The last ten minutes of class are spent completing movement based learning activities that stimulate the brain and foster right/left brain development. Grades 1-6 meet for a 40 minute class for library lessons that include story time, book reviews, author and illustrator studies, library skill lessons, and book checkout.  Open book checkout time is from 7:45 -10:40 a.m. on Tuesday and Thursday.

The Spring Hill Campus library serves Jr. K-4th grades. The Librarian works at the Spring Hill campus two mornings a week. Jr. Kindergarten – 4th grade meet once a week for a 40 minute class for library lessons that include story time, book reviews, author and illustrator studies, library skill lessons, and check out.

The Glenn H. Stephenson Memorial Library, a division of the CA Library Media Center, is located in Polk Hall. The library is open from 7:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. daily for book checkout and research. The library houses three Google Chromebooks and a printer for student use. All students in grades 7-12 use an iPad for their daily notes and research in addition to many learning applications.

Physical Education is an integral part of the total educational program of each student in our school. Through the medium of sport and movement all students will participate in a sequential, differentiated program that fosters each student’s personal health, fitness and safety. Through exposure to a wide variety of activities, students will gain the necessary knowledge to understand the importance of and make educated decisions around opportunities to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Columbia Academy is committed to and supports the development of a positive and appropriate values driven education. Social skills which include but are not limited to respect, cooperation, communication, teamwork and sportsmanship are an important aspect of the P.E. curriculum and will be directly taught throughout the student’s school career.

The values, principles and concepts associated with a quality P.E. program surpass the boundaries of the gymnasium and playing fields. Physical activity is a catalyst for learning in all content areas. Our school is committed to providing programming in physical education which allows frequent and diverse opportunities to engage in physical activities necessary to support a healthy mind, body and soul.

NASPE PE Standards (National Association for Sport and Physical Education)

Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Standard 2: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 3: Participates regularly in physical activity.
Standard 4: Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical
Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/ or social interaction.